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Please note: MIT and Student Financial Services will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.

Paying your bill: Sponsored billing

If an outside agency has agreed to pay all or part of your tuition and fees, you will need to submit documentation before the payment deadline. Instructions on how to submit documentation can be found below.

Documents are accepted through October 1 for the fall term and March 1 for the spring term.

If you are a student

Students must submit the Student Acknowledgment Form in order for MIT to invoice your sponsor. You will need to work with your sponsor to make sure that all documentation has been submitted to us by the deadline.

Please note: MIT Sloan students who are sponsored by their company need to complete a Sponsor Information Form. You can find more information about student funding and sponsorships on the Sloan site. Please contact Josh DeMaio at with any questions or concerns. You can also schedule an online appointment.

If you are a sponsor

Sponsors must submit the Sponsor Billing Authorization Form and Sponsor Financial Agreement to our sponsored billing team.

Outside organizations qualify for sponsored billing if:

  • They cover all or most of a student’s tuition and fees
  • They plan to send payments directly to MIT
  • They require an itemized invoice addressed in their name

Examples include:

  • U.S. or foreign company
  • U.S. government, department, or agency (excluding the Dept. of Education)
  • Foreign embassy
  • Pre-paid college plan01 For the following state-run 529 plans: Florida Prepaid, Nevada Prepaid, Texas Tomorrow, and College Illinois, MIT will send confirmation of charges to each plan after the student has registered for the term. Payments for these plans, as well as any other plan in which families participate, will be credited to the students account upon receipt of payment.  

Where to send documents

You can email, fax, or mail documents to:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Attn: Student Financial Services
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 11-320
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Fax: 617.648.9968

Additional information for students

  • If you are being reimbursed by your employer you cannot participate in sponsored billing. Students who receive reimbursement upon submission of grades or completion of sponsor terms must adhere to the Institute’s established payment due dates.
  • You will continue to receive a monthly student account statement in MITPay.
  • Once your sponsor has been invoiced, the Institute will add the funds to your account as anticipated credit, even if we have not yet received said funds.
  • Charges billed to your account that are not invoiced to your sponsor are due monthly as billed.
  • If your sponsor fails to pay, the credit applied in advance to your account will be removed and you will be responsible for paying the charges due.
  • You are responsible for checking in with your sponsor and ensuring that your sponsor pays on time. Payment is expected within the first two months of the semester.
  • Sponsors can’t be billed for previous terms or for any charges that are not posted to your account.
  • A balance on your account after the payment deadline has passed may result in a registration or degree hold and a mandatory hold fee.
  1. For the following state-run 529 plans: Florida Prepaid, Nevada Prepaid, Texas Tomorrow, and College Illinois, MIT will send confirmation of charges to each plan after the student has registered for the term. Payments for these plans, as well as any other plan in which families participate, will be credited to the students account upon receipt of payment. back to text