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table of contents

For students

Most of our students work during the academic year both on campus and off, earning about $1,700 a term for 6–8 hours of work a week. MIT minimum wage is $15 an hour.

For employers

We help you recruit talented MIT undergraduate and graduate students for jobs on and off campus.

Visit the jobs board

Off campus, part-time, and seasonal jobs are posted daily on the jobs board.

By the numbers

Undergraduate work


The percentage of undergraduates who earned wages from MIT and/or Federal Work Study employment in 2023–2024.

Fair pay


The typical term earnings of an undergraduate working 6–8 hours a week.

Working abroad


The number of countries where students can gain real-life work experience in leading companies and labs through MISTI.

Key terms for job seekers

Community service
A service performed by an individual or organization to benefit the public and its institutions. While the term is often used as a synonym for volunteering, community service work can be paid or unpaid.
I-9 Form
A U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services form that all U.S. employers are required to collect from all employees, including U.S. citizens, no later than the first day of work. More about I-9 Form →