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Please note: Student Financial Services has moved to Room 11-320. Click here for directions to our new office.

We have moved!

We are now located in Room 11-320, just two floors up from our former office.

It’s a bit tricky to find us, so we put together the quickest directions to get to our new office from the old one. See you there!

Directions from 11-120 to 11-320 using the stairs (It isn’t as simple as it seems)

  1. If you are facing 11-120, turn around and go up the stairway immediately behind you
  2. Take the stairs to the 2nd floor—don’t go all the way to the 3rd floor.
    The 3rd floor of building 3 does not connect to the 3rd floor of building 11
  3. Turn right, go through the glass doors and down the hallway to the end
  4. At the end of the hall, there is an elevator on the right and stairs on the left; take either to the 3rd floor to find our new home

Directions from 11-120 to 11-320 using the elevator

  1. If you are facing 11-120, go left and proceed down the Infinite to Lobby 7
  2. Immediately on entering Lobby 7 turn right and go to the elevator in the back corner
  3. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor—don’t go all the way to the 3rd floor
    The 3rd floor of building 3 does not connect to the 3rd floor of building 11
  4. Go to the hallway above the Infinite and proceed until you come to the first set of stairs on the right
  5. On your left there is a hallway. Go through the glass doors and down the hallway to the end
  6. There is an elevator at the end of the hall; take it to the 3rd floor to find our new home