When your financial aid application is due depends on whether you are a prospective student applying for Early or Regular Action, or are a continuing student.
We are releasing financial aid awards on a rolling basis. If we anticipate that you are eligible for federal aid, it will be estimated on your financial aid award. If you would like to apply for financial aid for the 2024–2025 academic year, you are still able to submit an application.
Application deadlines are the same for both domestic and international students.
- Early Action applicants: The application deadline for Early Action is November 30 and awards are released in mid-January.
- Regular Action and transfer applicants: February 15. The application deadline is February 15. RA awards are released in mid-March. Transfer awards are released after admission decisions.
- Continuing students: February 15. The financial aid application deadline for the following academic year is February 15. You will receive your award in late May or early June.
Late aid applications
We understand that life happens and sometimes deadlines are missed. There is no need to ask for an extension—just submit your application as quickly as possible. Late applicants will receive their financial aid decision later than those who submit by the deadline, but we try to review all applications as quickly as possible.
There are no penalties for late applications. However, financial aid applications must be received before the end of the academic year, in order to be considered for aid in that academic year. For most students, that is mid-May. For those only attending in the fall, you must submit your aid application by mid-December. If your application isn’t completed by that time, you will not be eligible to receive either MIT or federal financial aid for that academic year.
How to view your financial aid award
- Current MIT students: You can view your award in our Online Financial Aid System.
- Prospective first-year students: You can access your award through the MIT Application Portal until mid-May, after this time it can be viewed in our Online Financial Aid System.